Top 3 Reasons You Need An Outside Marketer

Hiring a marketing consultant makes sense whether you have an on-staff team or not. Think of the consultant as not only an extra set of hands but an extra strategic brain, focused solely on what your needs are at the time of engagement. Let’s get more specific:

I. A New Perspective

Outside marketing professionals can see the company, its products and services, its customer journey and its marketing strategy and plans with a fresh set of eyes and a critical brain. This is invaluable if you really want to improve your business or marketing program. You see, it is easy for marketing employees (which consultants were once) to become so ingrained in their daily work and deadlines - not to mention the ever-changing priorities - that it’s easy to get sidetracked or miss opportunities for improvement and growth. A consultant is strategic and keeps her eye on the big picture and the tools needed to get there. A consultant’s role is to work with you and your team (be they staffers or agencies) to provide constructive feedback, offer impactful changes and report measurable results. 

II. Something isn’t working

Sales inquiries have slowed down. The campaign for a new product or service didn’t convert to its goal. Your staff is overwhelmed and needs help prioritizing work to achieve business goals. A marketing consultant can analyze problems and give you honest feedback and solutions.They can also step in and provide a specialized skill that is lacking on your team. If something is amiss, don’t just go on to the next tactic or “flavor of the month.” Consult with a pro to help you figure it out, create a plan and move forward.

III. Save Money

Because consultants are not on your payroll, you save on all of those expenses you have with a full-time employee. And, unlike agencies, you won’t pay for an account representative and the talents’ time - you get a two-for-one with a consultant. Also, you can work out rates and terms. For instance, most consultants have an hourly rate but you can also agree on a budget for time spent on a short-term project and hire a consultant long-term with a retainer. Each hour is accounted for and consultants are responsible to report their time and results to you on an agreed upon basis (weekly, monthly, etc).


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